Monday, August 29, 2011

A Supermodel With Shaved Eyebrows

Sojourn’s eyebrow rails are in dire need of attention.  Until recently I believed they were the source of water ingress into the cabin; now, I’m not so sure.  Most of the holes on the starboard side don’t fully penetrate the cabin top. 2011-08-28_17-56-11_955 The port side is worse but I haven’t gotten to that side yet.

I was discussing my options with Ben, who owns a beautiful Mason 43.  He introduced me to Marinetex and suggested a couple of options.  I could remove them and  fill the holes.  I could install new rails, finished in the garage and “glued on” with 4200, thus removing any water ingress path or to reduce maintenance,or I could replace them with a stripe to match the cove stipe. 

He had previously had the same dilemma with his boat, but decided that without the rails,“Triumph”2011-08-28_17-55-53_839 would look like a super model with shaved eyebrows.”  It just wouldn’t fit.

Sojourn is no supermodel, but I’ve decided she’d look somewhat plain with out something. I’m still trying to decided which way to go

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