Surely it doesn't exist. Or so that's the trap I've lately been guilty of falling in.
Yesterday, my friend Ben introduced me to Active Captain. I had been searching for interesting day sail destinations from Everett or an online cruising guide. The best I had come up with were with some stale links, and, which has some good information on 2 and 3 day round trip sailing destinations from my home port of Everett. In all of my searches, Active Captain never showed up. Perhaps it is because Active Captain is a closed system, where you have to be logged in and presumably Google can't index it, or perhaps active captain isn't doing anything to promote themselves in that medium.
Active Captain was the type of thing I was looking for, only better. It has a chart based interface with user updated information on destinations, anchorages, hazards etc. It also has (for a small fee) chart plotting applications for a couple of the mobile platforms. Allegedly Android is soon to be one of them.
For the record, I searched for:
Everett sailing destinations
Puget sound sailing destinations
online cruising guide
For grins, I searched for mobile chart plotter after the fact and Active Captain didn't show up.
I had a similar experience searching for tile flooring near Everett. Lots exist, but Google didn't know about most of them. In this case, I suspect the web developers for the respective retailers weren't doing their jobs.
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